Our team's contributions to academic journals.
Thuy Le, "Trust Issues: A Revisitation of Louisiana's Public Trust Doctrine." Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol 36 (2023).
Isabel Englehart, "The Levee Disservitude: How and Why Louisiana Should Stop Undermining One of Its Most Essential Powers." Louisiana Law Review, Vol. 83, Issue 3 (2023).
Mark S. Davis, "On the Horns of a Dilemma: Climate Adaption and Legal Profession." Richmond Public Interest Law Review, Vol. 25, Issue 3 (2022).
Haley Gentry, "Gulf Fishermens Association v. National Marine Fisheries Service: The Fifth Circuit Halts Offshore Aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico by Determining that the National Marine Fisheries Service Has No Authority to Regulate It." Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 34, Issue 2 (Summer 2021)
Isabel Englehart, "In Defense of Dirt: Applying Principles of Water and Natural Resources Law to Mississippi River Sediment Management." Tulane Law Review, Vol. 95, Online 1 (2021).
Chiara Kalogjera-Sackellares, "Reviving the Mississippi River: Riparianism and Equitable Remedies." Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 34, Issue 1 (Winter 2021).
Brandon M. Sprague, "Restoring Land Coast to Coast: Conflicts in the Louisiana Classification of Water Bodies for Coastal Restoration and Comparative Civil Law Solutions." Tulane Law Review, Vol. 95, Issue 2 (November 2020).
Jamie Huffman, "Mississippi v. Tennessee: Analysis and Implications." New York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 28, (2020).
Mark Davis and Christopher J. Dalbom, "Taken by Storm - Property Rights and Natural Disasters." Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 2 (Summer 2016).
Caitrin Reilly, "When In Louisiana, Do As The French Do: The Case for Integrated River Basin Management in Louisiana." Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 1 (2016).
Mark Davis and Christopher J. Dalbom, "The Trust Abides." The National Wetlands Newsletter published the Environmental Law Institute, Vol. 37, No. 4 (July/August 2015).
Mark S. Davis. "At the Borders--The New Horizons of Water Management and Water Law," Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, Vol. 24 No 1 2014.
Mark S. Davis and Michael Pappas, Escaping the Sporhase Maze: Protecting State Waters Within the Commerce Clause, Louisiana Law Review, Vol. 73, Issue 1, (2012).
Mark S. Davis, Lessons Unlearned: The Legal and Policy Legacy of the BP Deep Water Horizon Spill, Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment, Washington and Lee Law School, Vol. 3, Issue 2, (2012).
Ann Yoachim & Allen, C.E. III. "Rights-Based Approaches to Community Development." Rights-Based Approaches to Public Health. Ed. E. Beracochea, MD, MPH. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 333-344 (2011).
Mark Davis and James Wilkins, A Defining Resource: Louisiana’s Place in the Coming Water Economy, Loyola (New Orleans) Law Review, Vol. 57 (2011).
Mark Davis, “Coastal Restoration and Protection and the Future of New Orleans”, Chapter 12, Resilience and Opportunity: Lessons from the U.S. Gulf Coast after Katrina and Rita, Amy Liu, Roland V. Anglin, Richard M. Mizelle, and Allison Plyer, Editors, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC (2011).
Mark Davis, Changing Currents: Perspectives on the State of Water Law and Policy in the 21st Century—Introduction, Tulane Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 23, Issue 2 (2010).
Mark Davis with Ronald G. Gouget, David W. Chambers, Larry F. Champagne, William Desvouges, Judi L. Durda, William H. Hyatt, Jr., Rachel Jacobsen, Larry Kapustka, and Rose M. Longoria, Effective Coordination and Cooperation Between Ecological Risk Assessments and Natural Resource Damage Assessments: A New Synthesis, Society of Toxicology and Chemistry Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, (October 2009).
Mark Davis, A Toe in the Water: A Primer on Louisiana Riparian Law and Emerging Issues. 59th Mineral Law Institute, Louisiana State University Law Center, (October 2009).
Mark Davis, Preparing for Apportionment: Lessons from the Catawba River, Sea Grant Journal of Law and Policy, Vol. 2.1 (June 2009).
Mark Davis, To What End: Resilience, Tradeoffs, and the Lessons of Katrina, 141 Univ Council on Water Resources Journals of Contemporary Water Resources & Education 31 (March 2009).
Mark Davis, A Whole New Ballgame: Coastal Restoration, Storm Protection, and the Legal Landscape After Katrina. Louisiana Law Review. Vol.68; No.2. (Winter 2008).